Strategic & Practical Gender Needs of Mothers with Autistic Children in Peshawar: Applying the Moser Gender Analysis Framework


  • Dr. Shakeel Ahmad Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Social Work, University of Peshawar


Autism Spectrum Disorder, Moser Gender Analysis, mothers of autistic children, Peshawar, Strategic and Practical Needs


Families hosting children with autism face significant challenges, with mothers bearing a disproportionate burden due to increased demands within the family. This study explores the experiences of mothers raising children with autism in Peshawar, focusing on the intersection of caregiving responsibilities, economic demands, and community participation. Using Moser’s Gender Analysis Framework, a qualitative approach is employed to investigate the phenomena faced by such mothers. The findings reveal that the reproductive role of mothers increases with the incidence of the birth of autistic children. Extended family reduces the pressure from mothers with autistic children. Institutional support also helps mothers perform better roles and fulfill their practical and strategic needs. The study recommends mothers’ education, creation of support groups, and provision of community level services.




How to Cite

Dr. Shakeel Ahmad. (2024). Strategic & Practical Gender Needs of Mothers with Autistic Children in Peshawar: Applying the Moser Gender Analysis Framework. Journal of Social Sciences Research & Policy (JSSRP), 2(3), 70–79. Retrieved from