The Student Persona: A Neo-Jungian Analysis of Personal Growth and Emotional Wellness among University Students
This study is conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the unconscious archetypal energies at play behind a student persona. Pearson-Marr Archetypal Indicator was used to assess archetypes in relation to student persona and level of personal growth in university students. Subjective-psychological Well-being Scale was supplemented to gauge the level of life satisfaction and emotional wellness. Result indicated that most students were found to be at individuated level, prioritizing personal growth during their education journey. The results support the research assumptions that integration of archetypal energies is positively associated with personal growth, life satisfaction and emotional wellness where education mediates this relationship and enhances personal growth and emotional wellness. There were indications in the students’ archetypal profile that they were innately Warriors, Rulers, and Caregivers which fuel their sprit to navigate effectively in the competitive educational environments. The results do affirm the gender wise differences regarding archetypal identification of university students. University students demonstrated well-integrated archetypes, contributing to subject-psychological wellbeing and making the education a transformative experience. It is concluded that archetypes play significant role in personal and academic journey. Future research can focus on the influence of archetypes on career choices and professional growth.