The Push and Pull Factors of Placing Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Orphanages in Pakistan
Orphans, Vulnerable Children, OVC, Orphanages, Residential CareAbstract
Worldwide, 2.9 million of children have been placed in residential care either by their parents or guardians and relatives. However, placing the orphans and vulnerable children in residential care facilities is increasing overwhelmingly. For Pakistan, the situation is not bizarre as we too have placed 0.5 million out of 4.2 million orphans in residential care facilities. The aim of this study is to explore the push and pull factors that have compelled parents and guardians of orphans and vulnerable children to place them in residential care facilities. The study is based on document analysis i.e. research papers, books, and research theses. The data reveals that the death of parents, erosion of the joint and extended family system, natural and made-made disasters, stigmatization of illegitimate and disabled children, poverty and unemployment of the biological parents, efficacy of the residential care, and the presence of qualified and well- trained residential care providers have compelled hundreds of thousands parents and guardians to place orphans and vulnerable children in residential care facilities in Pakistan. This study suggests that the government of Pakistan should take serious measures to provide the OVC with basic necessities of life in form of home care model as alongside the negative consequences the residential care model is six time more expensive than the ordinary family based care model.