Impact of Inadequate Instructional Methods on English Speaking Skills of Students At Higher secondary Level
The current study focuses on the impact of teachers' inadequate instructional methods practice on the English-speaking skills of students in the district of Charsadda in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The prime objective of the study was to pinpoint the impact of inadequate instructional methods at the higher secondary level and how they negatively affect the students' English-speaking skills. the study is quantitative in nature where the data was collected from the 225 respondents. The sample size for the data collection was taken through the Sekran sample size determination table, while looking at the time and resources the researcher selected the number of schools randomly. The collected data were then analyzed through a statistical package for social sciences software and were presented in the form of frequencies and percentages. The researcher applied the chi-square test for the association between dependent and independent variables. Results of the analyzed data showed that inadequate instructional methods were not participatory, had no forum for discussion in English and with peers in English, and there is no room for improvement in identifying students' mistakes. Due to such inadequate instructional methods, the students were not able to speak in English and improved their speaking skills at the higher secondary level. The study recommended that an online learning management system should be introduced at the higher secondary level and up-and-coming teaching methods should be made mandatory for the new teachers. Similarly, refresher training, new and innovative instructional techniques and professional training should be mandatory for all English teachers at higher secondary level.