The Impact of Video Game Usage on Academic Achievements among Secondary School Students in District Dir Lower


  • Hamayoon Said M.Phil Scholar, Department of Education, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, Dir Upper
  • Niaz Ali Lecturer, Department of Education, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, Dir Upper


Video Game Usage; Academic Achievements; Secondary School Students


As the world increasingly becomes interconnected, often referred to as a 'global village,' this concept was first introduced by Canadian scholar Marshall McLuhan in 1960. The rapid advancement of technology has brought about numerous changes, some of which have simplified life, while others have introduced new complexities. One such development is the emergence and widespread popularity of video games. This study examines the impact of video game usage on academic achievements among secondary school students in District Dir Lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. A correlational survey design was employed to conduct this study. A close-ended instrument comprising 15 items was used to collect data through a five-point Likert Scale Questionnaire. Data were collected from 278 students across 07 secondary schools using a simple random sampling technique. The analysis, including Pearson's correlation, revealed a strong positive relationship between the effects of video games and students’ academic achievements. In reflection of the findings, it is suggested that the given model should be applied in other tiers of education to bring new outcomes.




How to Cite

Said, H., & Ali, N. (2025). The Impact of Video Game Usage on Academic Achievements among Secondary School Students in District Dir Lower. Journal of Social Sciences Research & Policy (JSSRP), 3(1), 181–187. Retrieved from